Monday, February 8, 2010

The Uninvited Guest

I don’t know what Ryan Hall got paid for showing up at the starting line and saying a few short sentences. I do know, based on the negative attention Christian athletes have received for talking publicly about their faith, that mentioning God in his remarks was a risk on his part. I was impressed by his willingness to tell us to “run every step for God”. It is in that spirit that I write the following.

On Super Bowl Sunday:

8 millions pounds of popcorn was consumed

28 million pounds of potato chips were devoured

1 BILLION chicken wings were eaten

325 million gallons of beer were imbibed

You would think there would be room for one athlete to speak his mind on abortion, a subject that is particularly personal for him as his mother was advised to abort when she was pregnant with him.

Why is it that commercials that promote gluttony and drunkenness abound without controversy, yet an athlete and his mother can not urge us to reconsider our opinion on a matter that is life and death?

Why can the media celebrate the partying that went on last night in New Orleans, a city known for its over-the–top partying, yet show antipathy for a 30 second commercial that was thoughtful and impassioned?

With hundreds of millions of viewers worldwide is it too much to ask that God be invited to the game as well?

Please note: Christianity and Judaism do not share identical views on abortion. Still, there is enough common ground that I feel the need to speak up on an obviously controversial topic.

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